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Living Translation: Peace Children—The Sawi Story

The Sawi people of Indonesia knew a world of violence, death, and revenge. Tensions between tribal factions would boil over into brutal warfare that ended in bloodshed and cannibalism. The conflict continued until the tribes agreed to an ancient peace ritual, each tribe giving one of their young boys to the other tribe to raise as their own. This exchange ushered the Sawi people into a time of peace and reconciliation. While the first half of this story is outlined in the famous account Peace Child, as told by veteran missionary Don Richardson, the story did not end there.

In Living Translation: Peace Children – The Sawi Story, Wycliffe Associates President and CEO Bruce Smith tells the rest of the story.

The gospel has truly transformed this tribe, and the church is flourishing. This is the story of God at work in, and through, the Sawi people of Indonesia.

In 1962, the Sawi people were cannibals. Now, they are Bible translators. Discover how God prepared and empowered the Sawi people for this awesome responsibility.