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A Bible in Every Language

Imagine not being able to read John 3:16 and understand God’s love in your language, or find comfort in Isaiah 40     . . . for millions of people, this is their reality! They live in a Bibleless world—thousands of language groups don’t have God’s Word available to them in their heart language.

A Bible in Every Language

Imagine not being able to read John 3:16 and understand God’s love in your language, or find comfort in Isaiah 40     . . . for millions of people, this is their reality! They live in a Bibleless world—thousands of language groups don’t have God’s Word available to them in their heart language.

Biblical Accuracy

Our core commitment at Wycliffe Associates is to accurately translate the Word of God. We diligently reinforce the priority of accuracy of Bible translation in the projects with which Wycliffe Associates is involved.

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Don’t let the thousands of communities without God’s Word in their heart language wait any longer.