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A Bible in Every Language

Imagine not being able to read John 3:16 and understand God’s love in your language, or find comfort in Isaiah 40     . . . for millions of people, this is their reality! They live in a Bibleless world—thousands of language groups don’t have God’s Word available to them in their heart language.

Technology Advancement

Right now is an exciting time for Bible translation, because God has provided the tools to accelerate the translation process and share His Word to the ends of the earth. Wycliffe Associates’ development of robust Bible translation technology, paired with new methodology for Bible translation workshops, means more people than ever before are able to have God’s Word at their fingertips!

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  • Prayer Watch: God is Doing a Great Work in the Middle East September 19, 2024
    I was so excited last night. I had researched Scripture about “light!” God was showing me the importance of His light. I was reading them through and was so blessed and anxious to share them with you. I closed down my computer to go help prepare our dinner. This morning, I opened to the file […]
  • Keeping Christians Safe as They Translate Scripture in the Middle East September 9, 2024
    Being a Christian in Muslim-dominated areas of the Middle East can be dangerous, even deadly. For people who are suspected or known to follow Christ, surveillance is almost certain.
    Wycliffe Associates
  • Prayer Watch: Believers Facing Persecution Beyond Imagination—Seek our Help! August 28, 2024
    It is time for prayer—fervent prayer—in support of our brothers and sisters in Christ facing persecution that’s beyond imagining—in a place so dangerous, I can’t tell you where. They risk everything for their faith, they are completely focused on one thing only:

Don’t let the thousands of communities without God’s Word in their heart language wait any longer.